Mobile App Developer

Hina Arora
2 min readMay 12, 2024


A Mobile App Developer designs, develops, and maintains applications for smartphones and tablets.

They specialize in programming languages like Java, Kotlin, Swift, or Objective-C for Android and iOS platforms.

How to Become?
1. Programming Languages: Master Java/Kotlin for Android, Swift/Objective-C for iOS.
2. Mobile Development Frameworks: Learn Android Studio for Android, Xcode for iOS.
3. UI/UX Design: Understand mobile design principles.
4. Database Management: Integrate SQLite/Core Data into apps.
5. API Integration: Integrate APIs for external services.
6. Version Control: Use Git for code management.
7. Testing & Debugging: Ensure app functionality and performance.
8. Continuous Learning: Stay updated with trends.
9. Build Projects: Gain practical experience.
10. Publish Apps: Showcase skills on app stores.

Skills You’ll Need:
- Proficiency in programming languages like Java, Kotlin, Swift, or Objective-C.
- Knowledge of mobile development frameworks like Android Studio and Xcode.
- Understanding of UI/UX design principles for mobile apps.
- Database management skills for integrating databases into mobile apps.
- Ability to integrate APIs into mobile apps for accessing external services and data.
- Testing and debugging skills for ensuring app functionality and performance.
- Continuous learning mindset to stay updated with evolving mobile technologies.

Tools You’ll Use:
- Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) like Android Studio for Android development and Xcode for iOS development.
- Version control systems like Git for managing code changes.
- Design tools like Adobe XD or Sketch for designing mobile app interfaces.
- Testing tools like XCTest for iOS and Espresso for Android.
- Emulators and simulators for testing mobile apps on different devices and platforms.

What You’ll Do on the Job:
- Develop mobile apps for Android or iOS platforms.
- Implement user interfaces and user experiences based on design guidelines.
- Integrate databases and APIs into mobile apps for data storage and retrieval.
- Test and debug mobile apps to ensure functionality and performance.
- Collaborate with designers, backend developers, and other team members.
- Publish mobile apps on app stores and manage app updates.
- Stay updated with the latest mobile development trends and best practices.

How Much You’ll Earn:
- Salaries vary based on experience, location, and industry.
- Entry-level positions may start around ₹6–8 lakhs per annum.
- Experienced mobile app developers can earn six-figure salaries.

How to Get Started:
- Start by learning a programming language suitable for mobile app development.
- Explore online courses, tutorials, and documentation for Android and iOS development.
- Practice building simple mobile apps to gain hands-on experience.
- Join mobile app development communities and forums to network with other developers.
- Build a portfolio showcasing your mobile app projects and skills.

Keep learning and keep exploring

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Hina Arora

I am an Engineering Manager and a passionate Technical Career Branding Coach🔥